So true

Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last animal has been shot,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only after the last drop of water has ben wasted,
only then will we realize that money cannot buy everything!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Pink River Dolphins/ Boto

From five different species of fresh water dolphins in the world, the Amazon River Dolphin or Boto, is the most intelligent. Dolphins are friendly and have 40% brain capacity bigger than humans.

Social Habits: Like the bottle-nosed dolphin they have no predators, except for 'man', so they do not need to travel in groups.

Colour: Boto's have two different colours, pink and grey. As the dolphin gets older it gets more pink, so you may see a picture where there i a mom and baby, the mom could be pink and the baby grey.

Eating Habits: Boto's  eat crustaceans, catfish and other fresh water fish.

Their necks are so flexible, they can turn their necks 180degrees!

Size: 2.5-3 meters

Mass: 90 kilograms

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